Avoid Summertime Driving Dangers

Summertime may bring longer days, hot weather, and sunshine—but it also brings with it increased driving dangers. From summer vacationers to construction, sun glare, and unpredictable weather—Florida roads can be an extremely dangerous place during the summer.  


For professional drivers and fleets, this time of year requires more attention and close adherence to safe driving practices.  


Our fleet management team at Butler Automotive Management shares eight ways to stay safe behind the wheel this summer… 


#1. Ensure Equipment is Properly Maintained  


Summer’s extreme heat can take a toll on vehicles. It can lead to tire blowouts and affect your vehicle’s braking ability, cause the engine to overheat, and place increased stress on just about every mechanical function that your vehicle performs.  


This summer, pay extra attention to your tire pressure and tread, check the brakes frequently, and ensure that your vehicle’s cooling system has all the proper fluids it needs to keep your vehicle on the road and out of the mechanic’s shop!  


Our pros at BAM can ensure that your car is ready to hit the road. Schedule mobile service today! 



MORE > Fleet Management: Adhering to Vehicle Maintenance Warranties  



#2. Follow Safe Driving Rules  


When out on the road, follow safe driving rules, and give yourself the space you need on the road.  


Ensure that you have: 


Space to maneuver your vehicle away from potential collisions. 


Visibility to detect danger.  


Time to react to ever-changing and complex driving environments. 


Follow these tips: 


  • Aim high in steering: Stay alert and look ahead to where you will be at least 15 seconds into your future. 
  • Get the big picture: Check your mirrors every 5-8 seconds and establish the proper following distance.  
  • Keep your eyes moving: Scan all intersections before driving into them and avoid distractions in your vehicle and thinking. Avoid any drivers who seem distracted.  
  • Leave yourself an out: If possible, surround your vehicle with space, and try to avoid tailgaters.  
  • Make sure they see you: To help prevent collisions, seek eye contact by using the warning devices, like the horn, on your vehicle to get another driver’s attention.  



#3. Stay Alert for Distracted Drivers 


Summer roads are filled with drivers who are more distracted than usual, and while distracted drivers are already a threat on the road due to cell phone usage, summer can bring more distractions as well.  


Watch out for drivers who are not watching out for you—they may be excited to get to their vacation rental or the beach, but it could spell disaster for you and them if a collision occurred.  


MORE > How Telematics Can Boost Fleet Safety  



#4. Pay Attention to Weather Forecasts 


In Tampa Bay, summertime brings thunderstorms, high winds, and even the occasional tropical storm or hurricane to our area. Pay attention to local forecasts where you are driving.  


If you get caught in a severe thunderstorm, make sure your headlights are on, and stay alert, as other drivers can drive erratically in the rain.  



#5. Keep an Eye on the Calendar 


Some days are more dangerous out on the road than others—weekends and certain holidays are associated with an increase in drinking and driving and car accidents. For fleet or professional drivers who are behind the wheel during these times, pay attention.  


While the 4th of July is particularly deadly, Labor Day weekend and other summer weekends can be equally dangerous too. The highest number of accidents happen between 3-7 p.m. on the weekends, so if you are behind the wheel take extra safety precautions as needed.  


Whether your fleet is big or small, Butler Automotive Management can develop a fleet management program to fit your needs and goals. We are your strategic partner focused on helping you achieve higher profits and informed decisions about your fleet’s preventative maintenance and safety. Call us today—813-992-4662!  



#6. Protect Your Eyes  


Driving can be hard on your eyes, but especially so during the summer months when the shine is shining bright. Further, the increased amount of sun glare coming off the road and other vehicles can be hazardous too.  


Sun glare can be particularly dangerous in the early morning and late evening, so invest in a good pair of polarized sunglasses to protect your eyes from fatigue and damage and make it easier to see the road more clearly.  



#7. Increase Following Distance  


No matter if you are driving a light-duty fleet vehicle or hauling a heavy load, increase your following distance to help offset dangers brought by heavier traffic, construction zones, and drivers from out of town who are traveling in an unfamiliar area.  



#8. Respect the Heat 


Heat is easy to dismiss, but the sun can affect both drivers and vehicles. Heat exhaustion can make you drowsy, and an overheated vehicle can leave you stranded by the side of the road.  


Summer is not the time to push yourself or your vehicle past the limit—that only makes the road unsafe for everyone on the road. Combat fatigue by taking frequent breaks and pay attention to your vehicle as there are warning signs that can prevent you from breakdowns and malfunctions.  



Manage Your Fleet with Butler Automotive Management  


While you cannot change the behavior of other drivers around you on the road, it is always wise to be prepared for anything. With fleet management from Butler Automotive Management, we will ensure that your vehicles are well-maintained so you can take on the road in confidence. Plus, we can install GPS and telematics in your vehicles to enhance overall fleet safety.  


We are ready to help you manage your fleet. Call BAM today—813-992-4662! 


Have a healthy and safe summer!  

