How to Steer Clear of These Costly Car Tech Repairs 

New auto technologies jump from every direction and drive us into the future. Far from its peak, in-car technological advancements have sky-rocketed in the past decade.


Recent models display giant on-the-dash tablet screens that function as infotainment systems. Switch the car into reverse and a panorama view from the backup camera appears to provide your employees more security and comfort. Automatic emergency braking can save lives and blind-spot detectors can alert your team of other drivers.   


These features have been enhanced to ensure you and your fleet are safe, secure, and informed on the road. While they are useful, they must be taken care of to maintain their longevity. And let’s face it, those cool pieces of technology in your fleet vehicles can be costly to fix. BAM! Avoid expensive repairs by learning how to prevent them. Let’s go!


Big Bucks for Cool Gadgets  


In the “age of screens,” it’s understandable to be drawn towards this top-of-the-line technology, especially when safety is a priority for your team. But don’t expect to get away with it cheaply. New cars average around $45,000, a record price that has dramatically grown in the past few months alone. 


If you are building your fleet, you can find vehicles from $15,000 to $25,000 that will meet your needs. Pre-owned vehicles are another more affordable option, with Bluetooth in over 80% and backup cameras in over 50% of newer model vehicles. 


New or used, parts of your fleet will eventually wear or get damaged and need repairing. As the cost of cars has increased, so has the cost of tech repairs. New vehicles have sensitive technological components that can break the bank if damaged.


Average car cost has increased a whopping 50% in the past decade with new tech as the main influencer of growth. According to a study by AAA, these technologies can double your repair costs. Even small fender benders can add an extra $3000 to the tab. 


Your company’s professionalism should be reflected by a fleet that is well-managed and squeaky clean. Butler Automotive Management is at your service. Call (813)-850-0022 to schedule hassle-free service for your vehicles!  



Common (Potentially) Costly Fleet Fix-Ups 



With electric fully autonomous vehicles on the horizon, new radar and camera sensor technologies have made driving safer than ever before. However, damage to the side mirror sensors or rear radar sensors can land you a bill of anywhere from $850 to $2,050 per damaged part.  

These parts are often very sensitive, so they can be easily damaged. They also often require specific technical knowledge to fix.  


Video & Audio


A faulty Bluetooth connection can cost around $650 to fix. Infotainment and navigation system malfunctioning may not necessarily put your car out of work, but it can certainly be frustrating and expensive.  


More Tech > Prioritize Safety with Telematics 


Stay On Top 

Here are some tips to avoid unaffordable car repair bills (or at least minimize the damage).  


Do Your Research  


Before buying new vehicles for your fleet, take some time to review reliability reports covering their tech specs. You can’t schedule preventative maintenance with sensors as you can with an oil change or tire rotation, so it’s important to have reliable gear.  


Be sure the car’s tech is right for you. Some drivers find they don’t actually like certain tech features because they are distracting or irritating.  


Also, freshen up on what’s covered and your insurance policy. New vehicles typically have a warranty that covers your car for a few years, but not all warranties are the same and cover all components.  


“AAA strongly urges consumers to perform an insurance policy review and consider the potential repair costs of these advanced systems.”  

– Ellen Edmonds, AAA Public Relations 


Start an Emergency Fund  


You can save yourself from a major stab to the gut if you set aside a fleet repair emergency fund. Vehicles can be unpredictable, but preparation for unforeseen incidents can help you feel reassured that everything is under control. If a number with one too many zeroes appears on your bank statement, don’t sweat it.  


All the Buzz > Maintain Your Electric Fleet  




Keeping Your Fleet on the Road 


Ultimately, the decision depends on your budget and your comfort- both short-term and long-term. You must consider the upfront cost of the vehicle as well as any future repair costs.  


Advanced safety features and new tools for accessibility can keep your team safe while improving communication among your fleet. However, what works for one fleet may not be the right fit for all, so we do your research. 


Regardless of what kind of tech ends up in your fleet, you’ll want to keep it clean and working properly. Contact Butler Automotive Management for convenient mobile detailing and fleet management throughout Tampa Bay!  


