Will Self Driving Cars Take Over The Fleet Industry?

In today’s futuristic world, self-driving electric vehicles are all the craze. With more and more Teslas on the road, it seems like every parking lot has a row of Tesla superchargers. And as the roads get filled with more cars that have self-driving capabilities, the technology will only get smarter. With that being said, it’s only a matter of time until the fleet industry and the self-driving world begins to integrate. 


Our team discusses all the new technology that goes into autonomous vehicles and how that tech can change the fleet industry, as well as the benefits and challenges that will come along with this change. Technology evolves fast, so it’s not really a question of “if” but a question of “when”! 


Whether you drive your car in, your car does it on its own, or we come to you, contact Butler Automotive Management for convenient mobile detailing and fleet management throughout Tampa Bay! 

The Future Comes Fast 


Self-driving cars have been a staple of sci-fi movies and TV shows alike, but there have been many other technologies that have come straight out of sci-fi. From automatic doors to cell phones, we have strived to create the devices we have imagined throughout history.  


We’ve all gotten a little more used to the advancement of self-driving cars this last decade as Teslas have become more common, but it’s not often that we see a fully autonomous vehicle driving down the street! 


These cars need data to learn how to drive, just like we do as humans (although we don’t learn with 1s and 0s). The more these cars are on the road, the more the software learns and betters itself. Google’s autonomous “Street View” cars are a great example of this, slowly mapping out our world as they learn how to navigate the roads better. 



More Than Just Cars 


As technology has improved, so have the mechanics; it’s not just small cars that are evolving to drive themselves anymore! In November of 2017, Tesla unveiled its fully autonomous semi-truck concept, completely changing how we all looked at self-driving vehicles. At the time of this article, it’s been nearly five years, and we may start seeing these on our roads soon.  


As more commercial vehicles are able to operate without a driver, what does that mean for the fleet industry? 

Benefits of an Autonomous Fleet 


Fewer Accidents 


Autonomous cars aren’t just made for convenience, they are made for safety. Although software may have its bugs, many accidents are preventable, and computers are just faster at thinking than we are. For a fleet, these accidents are much more costly because of lost wages, liability, and repair costs. 


Safety regulators in the US claim that 94% of all crashes can be blamed on human error. 


Increased Productivity 


While many think these cars will zoom around with no one in the driver’s seat, that is a little farther off. Not that it isn’t possible, in fact, the Google Maps car is already driverless! For the safety of the public though, we have a lot of testing to do. 


The cars will still have to be supervised by a “driver,” but the driver can focus on productive tasks while driving. Whether that is communicating with clients, booking the next fare, or planning future vehicle maintenance, fleet drivers will be free to take on more tasks on the road. 


Read More > Steer Clear of Costly Tech Repairs 



Challenges of Autonomous Adoption 


Initial Costs 


It’s no surprise that the new wave of electric, self-driving fleet vehicles will cost more upfront. The cars must include powerful GPS systems and a lot of sensors/cameras. Although the cost may be more upfront, the vehicles should be cheaper to maintain and operate, helping offset the cost over time. 




Although these newer cars will have less maintenance mechanically thanks to their electric drivetrains, the fleet maintenance will be done at a company level rather than being passed off to the driver. Luckily, Butler Automotive Management makes it easy to get maintenance on your fleet anywhere around the Tampa area! 

Maintain Your Fleet Anywhere 


When your fleet vehicles start to drive themself, keep them looking showroom fresh with help from Butler Automotive Management! A clean fleet makes a huge difference to your clients, and so does a safe one! With our fleet management services, you can rest assured that your fleet is well maintained and safe.  


Give BAM a call today for convenient fleet management services anywhere in Tampa Bay! We’re at your service. 

