New Year, New Fleet: Reasons to Upgrade Your Fleet This Year

As we hit the ground driving for this new year, you’ll want to be sure that your fleet can handle whatever the year has in store. We’re hoping that is more business for you! 


Of course, any growth to your business will be great, but the mileage and wear and tear to your fleet that comes along with it may be too much if you have outdated vehicles in need of constant maintenance.  


BAM! Here are a few reasons from our fleet management team why you may want to upgrade your fleet this year! 

Tampa Fleet Management Company BAM

Maintenance Management 


Regular maintenance is extremely important to keep your fleet vehicles running efficiently. Choosing to neglect proper maintenance will cost your business money; not only from repair costs but from the time lost in the shop getting repairs.  


Of course, even a perfectly maintained vehicle can’t run forever. Let’s take a look at some warning signs that could mean more trouble down the road… 


  • Frequently breaking down 
  • Aging vehicles 
  • High mileage 
  • Outdated technology 


Frequent Breakdowns 


One of the most obvious signs of a failing vehicle is frequent breakdowns. If your fleet vehicle is breaking down often, chances are it’s costing you more than it’s worth to replace! If this isn’t already a problem, prevent this from happening by staying on top of all the maintenance required. 


If it’s hard to keep track of it all, so we recommend utilizing fleet maintenance software to manage logs and scheduling. You will also want to factor in regular service to the operating expenses of your vehicle, as it will only benefit your bottom line. 


Read More > A Guide to Common Dashboard Lights 


Old Vehicles 


Aging vehicles are much more likely to break down when compared to a new vehicle, and if you’ve had the vehicle in your fleet for many years, the warranty may be expiring. Once you are without a warranty, you’ll be at risk of additional maintenance fees, and will likely have a harder time selling the vehicle if you decide to upgrade. 


High Mileage 


Just like aging vehicles, mileage is important to consider too. Around 100,000 miles, the frequency of vehicle maintenance and repairs will increase.  


Aside from just needing more repairs, the engine won’t run as efficiently either. This will result in more fuel consumption and over time will increase your operations cost immensely, especially for fleets that travel long distances. 


Clean vehicles are more fuel-efficient and create less drag than dirty vehicles, every little bit counts! Call BAM today and get detailed anywhere in Tampa Bay! 


Outdated Technology 


As time progresses vehicles will continue to become safer and smarter every year. Upgrading your fleet to include things such as backup cameras will only keep your drivers and vehicles safer! Time is money, so upgrading to a newer vehicle with a GPS can reduce delays on the road and make your drivers more comfortable as they navigate Tampa Bay.  


Some newer vehicles allow you to attach a monitoring system to remotely track things like tire pressure and the braking system. Upgrading your technology keeps you in the loop while your drivers are out on the road, saves you time, and gives your drivers greater peace of mind. 


Read More > Dash Cams 101 


Check With Your Drivers 


Most of the time, the best information you can get about your vehicles is from the people who drive them. They often drive for hours on end, so ensuring that your drivers are safe can make a world of difference.  


As much as you don’t want your driver to make do with an uncomfortable seat, you also don’t want to make them feel unsafe. Talk to them about their vehicle and make any changes necessary to keep your workforce happy and safe! 


Maintain Your Fleet with Butler Automotive Management  


When you upgrade your fleet, keep it looking showroom fresh with help from BAM! We believe a clean fleet makes all the difference. Looking good gives your employees a sense of pride and shows your clients that you care!  


Plus, with our fleet management services, you can rest assured that your fleet is maintained and safe while out on the road!  


Give BAM a call today for convenient fleet management services anywhere in Tampa Bay! We’re at your service. 

