Get the Most Out of Your Fleet: Most Important Maintenance Items

Maintaining a fleet of commercial vehicles can be overwhelming! Not only do you have to worry about the general maintenance items, but you also need to keep up with specific items that are unique to your type of vehicle.

The professionals at BAM are here to help with tips on how to keep your fleet operating at its full potential. We will discuss five important maintenance tips that you can add to how you manage your fleet. 

Get Regular Driver Reports

A key to keeping any business successful is communication. This is especially true when you have a fleet of vehicles that need to be maintained. Set a reporting system in place for your drivers to complete regularly to keep that line of communication open about any issues with your fleet.

Your drivers will be able to report any issues no matter how small, as soon as they occur. This way, you can address the problem before it becomes a larger issue. 


Keep Your Fleet Clean

A clean fleet is a happy fleet! Not only does routine cleaning improve your vehicles’ longevity, but it also makes them look more professional. This can be a big selling point for potential customers. 


Here at BAM, we know exactly how much your fleet’s appearance can matter to your clients. That’s why we offer a wide range of fleet cleaning services that are designed to keep your vehicles looking their best. From scheduled washes to complete detailing, we can help you maintain a clean fleet that will make a great impression on everyone who sees it.

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Ensure You Have Proper Vehicles Fit For Their Purpose

You wouldn’t put a square peg in a round hole, so why would you use the wrong type of vehicle for your needs? If your vehicles are not up to par for the job, they’ll be destined for quick wear and tear. You’ll also want to ensure you’re not overpaying for vehicles that offer more than what you need.

If you’re not sure what kind of vehicle is right for your business, consult with a fleet specialist. They’ll be able to help you choose the right make and model for your needs. 


Coach Your Drivers 


One of the most important aspects of maintaining a fleet is coaching your drivers. They are the ones behind the wheel, after all, and they need to be aware of the proper way to operate and care for their vehicles. This includes everything from how to handle different types of terrain to how to be fuel efficient. 


Ensure your drivers understand not only the hows but the whys. A well-trained driver is a safe driver, and that’s something you can’t put a price on. 


Hire A Fleet Inspector

Last but not least, you’ll want to hire a fleet inspector. This is someone whose job is to maintain and repair your vehicles. They should have experience with the type of vehicle you have in your fleet and be able to identify any issues, big or small. 


A good fleet inspector will also be able to provide you with preventative maintenance tips that can help extend the life of your vehicles. If you’re not sure where to find a qualified fleet inspector, ask around for recommendations or look for online reviews. 



Keep Your Fleet Looking and Running Its Best

Fleet maintenance is important for keeping your vehicles in top condition and reducing any extra costs to you in the long run. By following these five tips, you can help keep your fleet running smoothly for years to come.  


At BAM, we offer an array of cleaning services specifically designed to maintain your fleet. Give us a call or use our online booking system to schedule a service today! 
