How to Save Money on Your Fleet’s Fuel Cost

The cost of fuel in 2022 is a huge expense that affects every fleet on the road, except those with EVs! Gas prices are on the rise, and even a small increase in gas prices has a large effect on your fleet.  


Likewise, even a small increase in efficiency will make a big difference to the costs of operating a fleet. Every mile adds up fast, and taking the time to practice these tips can help you save a lot of money at the pump. 


Bonus Tip: Clean vehicles get better fuel efficiency! Butler Automotive Management is at your service for convenient mobile detailing and fleet management throughout Tampa Bay!  

Keep Up Vehicle Maintenance  


Get your fleet’s maintenance on a schedule! Your gas mileage will increase with a properly tuned engine, saving you money. You are more likely to spend more when dealing with costly breakdowns and costly part replacements when only keeping up with maintenance in desperate situations.  


Plus, any delays caused by a vehicle breaking down will put you down even more.


Learn More > Avoid Costly Tech Repairs 


Dispatch the Nearest Vehicle 


When using a fleet tracking system, fleet managers can utilize real-time tracking across their entire fleet to allow managers to dispatch the closest driver to a new job, delivery, or appointment.  


Advanced fleet management programs can automate dispatching and routing for you to improve the efficiency of your team.  


Plan Routes Ahead of Time 


If your fleet runs frequent routes, plan for the quickest possible route and even the best time of day to avoid traffic on the route. Every driver in your fleet should already be using an updated GPS system with audio directions. Many GPS systems allow you to add “favorite” routes so you can have frequent routes pre-saved without needing to enter the address.  


When planning routes, drivers should also take rest stops, places to grab a meal, and fueling stations into consideration. Drivers should avoid driving to any of these stops if they are more than a few minutes outside of their route.  


Prevent Engine Idling  


In an average vehicle, idling can use up a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour. As for heavy-duty trucks, they can use up to 0.8 gallons of fuel per hour. This adds up quickly between daily traffic and deliveries.  


You can prevent these costs by giving your fleet a few guidelines to follow when on their daily routes.  

  • If warming up the engine is necessary, do not idle longer than a minute or two 
  • Turn off the engine when stuck in traffic 
  • Turn off the engine while making deliveries or waiting in the vehicle 


Save More > 3 Ways to Reduce Fleet Costs 


Pay Attention to Driving Patterns 


Believe it or not, a driver’s habits can take a huge toll on a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Safe driving habits protect people and the planet. 



  • Speeding 
  • Frequent braking 
  • Quickly accelerating  



  • Give driver’s a safety course for better driving habits 
  • Utilize a fleet-tracking program to monitor driving habits 
  • Give ample time between stops to prevent speeding 


Win at the Pump and on the Road With Butler Automotive Management 


No one likes overspending on gas, especially for a whole fleet! By taking the time to implement these tips, you’re sure to save money on fuel this year. 


A clean vehicle doesn’t just look great on the road, but can actually improve your mileage as well! Plus, with our fleet management services, you can ensure that your fleet is well maintained and running smoothly! 


BAM! Give us a call today for convenient fleet management services anywhere in Tampa Bay. 

