The Costs of Distracted Driving to Your Fleet

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents and is also one of the most difficult issues for fleet managers to solve. While technological advancements such as smartphones have played a large role in the increase in distracted driving, there are steps that fleet managers can take to promote driver safety and avoid costly accidents.  


Scroll down to learn how distracted driving can impact your fleet and what you can do about it.  


The Rise of Distracted Driving  


According to the IIHS Cellphone use while driving has increased from .6% in 2009 to 9.7% in 2018. And the numbers aren’t getting better even with drivers understanding the risks. Many factors increase the likelihood of commercial fleet drivers using their cell phones while driving including: 


  • Extended time on the road 
  • Frustration with other drivers and traffic 
  • Boredom 
  • Pressure to be productive when driving 
  • Social connection 


Text messaging is one of the leading reasons for distracted driving. When you’re texting you’re looking at a phone’s screen, typing, and reading – all while driving. It is a process that can dramatically decrease a driver’s ability to operate a company car safely.  


Did you know: the average time that a person looks down at their phone while driving is five seconds? Consider this: Driving at 55mph over five seconds is the same length of a football field—a large distance for a driver’s eyes to be off of the road!  


As you can see, it is imperative to work towards eliminating distractions for your fleet drivers.  


MORE > How Telematics Can Boost Fleet Safety  


The Impact of Distracted Driving on Your Fleet  


Incidents and accidents caused by distracted driving can impact your fleet financially, legally, and harm your company’s reputation. When an accident occurs due to distracted driving, the expenses can be overwhelming.  


Insurance Policies  


Insurance rates for fleets have increased year over year for the last decade, on average about 10%. Having any accidents on your fleet policy can cost you even more. When drivers use cell phones while operating a commercial vehicle, there can be serious liability ramifications for their employers. Under the theory of vicarious liability, employers are held liable for collisions caused by their employees while in a company vehicle.  


Underwriters look at your overall fleet safety record, compliance history, and any safety measures that your fleet employees when issuing your insurance policy. Their criteria might include: 


  • Driver training programs 
  • Proper vehicle maintenance 
  • Implementation of telematics and fleet tracking systems 
  • Use of fleet safety technologies 
  • Historical safety records 
  • Distracted driving incidents 


Butler Automotive Management (BAM) is a preferred GPS and telematics installer for many local companies in Tampa Bay; call us today —(813) 850-0022!  


Legal Ramifications 


We’re car care experts, but we know distracted driving can get you in legal trouble. In some cases, cell phone records may be subpoenaed to determine whether the driver was distracted by their smartphone. This can lead to a “nuclear verdict,” a verdict in favor of a plaintiff with a settlement that surpasses $10 million, or more generally, an outcome that is significantly larger than anyone expected.  


While these verdicts are not common, they can have a far-reaching impact and help drive the double-digit insurance inflation for the entire commercial fleet industry.  


Accident Expenses  


Fleet managers also must consider the indirect costs of a distracted driving accident. Some costs are not covered by insurance such as accident-related Worker’s Compensations, and any emotional distress to employees and their families. These can add massive costs to a company for every dollar that the insurance company paid out.  


Plus, you risk the loss of potential business. When your company cars are involved in an accident, potential customers see it. This can have a far-reaching, negative impact on your business’ reputation. 


Take A Proactive Approach to Fleet Safety  


Fleet managers need to ensure that appropriate safety measures are put in place to protect their drivers, assets, and the communities that they serve. This starts by actively working to curb the habit of cell phone use while driving. A step in the right direction is the implementation of safe driving policies and driver training programs.  


Self-policing and retroactive enforcement are not enough. Even with devices that record and report when drivers are distracted, the best way to eliminate the risk of distracted driving is a proactive solution in the first place.  


Using technologies such as distracted driver management software, telematics devices, and in-dash cameras can be powerful tools to combat distracted driving and ensure that your drivers are safe while out on the road in Tampa Bay.  



MORE > Do You Need Cameras in Your Fleet Vehicles? 



Foster Fleet Safety With BAM 


Butler Automotive Management provides complete fleet management support and service for Tampa Bay companies, including the installation of GPS, cameras, and telematics devices to ensure that your drivers are safe on the road.  


Transform your fleet management practices! We are a preferred installer of telematics devices (cameras and GPS trackers) for many local companies. Technology does more than just keep tabs on your drivers and your fleet’s vehicles. Cameras, GPS, and other telematics improve your fleet’s safety, business efficiency, and functionality by gathering real-time and relevant data. 


Enhance your fleet’s safety! Call Butler Automotive Management today—813-992-4662! 


