Does Your Company Need Cameras in their Fleet’s Vehicles?

If you own a company with a fleet by now youve probably been faced with the decision of whether or not to install cameras in your fleets vehicles. With the technology available now installing cameras into your vehicles doesnt have to be the huge undertaking that it was in the past.  

Since 2017, we’ve been assisting our clients with the decision to add cameras to their company vehicles. Butler Automotive Management (BAM) is a preferred installer for companies like T—Mobile, Sperion, and CAARMO. 


Here are a few real-life scenarios that weve seen 


Rule Breakers 

A client was concerned that their new employee was not following the companys rules while driving their company vehicle.  

BAM previously installed GPS Trackers which could confirm that the vehicle was where it was supposed to be but the client had no way of seeing what the driver was actually doing inside and they had a few suspicions.  

We installed cameras and were able to determine that the employee was driving without a seat belt and smoking nicotine in the vehicle while driving. The client was able to immediately coach that employee and has a sense of peace now that the cameras are installed.  


Insurance Against Scammers 

A client wanted to use cameras in their vehicles to protect them from other drivercommitting insurance scams against the company. Their insurance bill was climbing from the number of insurance claims that had been brought against the company.  

We installed cameras that begin recording in certain traffic conditions such as hard stops. The cameras not only record outside of the drivers window to capture what is happening on the road but the internal camera records inside the cabin of the vehicle. If faced with an insurance claim the client will have the video recordings to showcase what happened and how their driver reacted.   

This client also received a reduction from their insurance company for the installation of GPS and Camera systems into their fleet. A good Commercial Insurance Broker can help you determine which telematics might help save your company some money.  


GPS is a Theft Deterrent  

The company cars stored expensive equipment. 

Some of our clients have expensive and not easily replaceable equipment that is stored in their vehicles. Cameras can capture theft of equipment or of the vehicle itself. They can also assist authorities in identifying the culprit.  



Our client was concerned about injuries in the field and potential insurance claims.  

When your employees are out in the field working the incidences that can threaten their safety are numerous. BAM recently installed cameras for a client that not only records inside of the vehicle and outside of the cab but we installed a camera in the rear that records whats happening in back of the vehicle.  

Also, if a team member feels unsafe about an area, they can check their entire surroundings prior to getting out and the camera will record whats happening while theyre parked.  


These are just a few examples of how cameras have helped BAM fleet management clients. Cameras do so much more than just keep tabs on your drivers and your fleets vehicles. Cameras, GPS, and other telematics improve your fleets safety, efficiency, and functionality by gathering real-time and relevant data. Contact us today to learn more about adding cameras to your fleet! 


Ready to Install Fleet Vehicle Cameras? 


When it comes to the installation of fleet vehicle Cameras and mobile fleet management, Butler Automotive Management is second to none. BAM is a fleet management company driving by innovation and consideration.  

Butler Automotive Management provides complete fleet management support and service for Tampa Bay companies, including steam detailing to improve eco-friendly life, GPS installations, mobile oil changes, and washes. We are a preferred installer for many local companies; call Butler Automotive Management today and transform your fleet. 

