Steam Wash – Why We Chose It

There are many options available to clean and detail vehicles – we chose steam wash. When the Butler Automotive Management co-creators decided that we were going to offer this service to our customers, we came upon many more options than we ever thought existed; Foam, Power washing, Hand washing, Drive through and more. So we went back to the drawing board and came up with a list of things that our detailing process had to possess and the most important were:

  • It could not use chemicals particularly chemicals that were bad for the environment.
  • It needed to be waterless or use much less water than what’s usually required.
  • It needed to not cause damage to our client’s vehicles paint and fabrics.

With that list we searched high and low until found a machine that used steam to clean. After more research into this machine we decided that we needed the “Steam Wash Machine.”

The Steam Wash Machine:

  • Uses less water. (1 gallon as opposed to 80-120 gallons of water to clean a compact car)
  • Uses a minimal amount of green chemicals.
  • Repairs the surface damage done by other detailing methods.
  • Is safe for all fabrics.
  • Sanitizes
  • Removes Stains
  • Deodorizes
  • Gently eliminates pet hair and odors

We chose steam wash because it is better for all; the consumers, our company, and our provider – Earth.
